Family Tree - Fred Estes Seiber Paternal Line
Fort Seybert Charles
& Lydia Seiber Benjamin
& Mary Ann Seiber Samuel
& Elizabeth Seiber
Philip & Catharina Seiber Charles
& Rebecca Lones Lones
to Seiber Line (Cavett Sta Massacre) James
& Harriet Cox
*Spelling Variations: Seibert, Seiber, Sieber, Sebre, Severs, Sevrs, Seiver,
Seybert, Etc.
Paternal Line -
Seyfred Seibert ca 1500
to Philip Seiber 1760

Seibert was born in Bremen, Germany, ca1500 and died there around 1580.
His wife Marie also was born and died in Germany.
Seyfred Seibert was born in Breman, Germany, in 1530 and died there in
1590. His wife Margaret was born in Germany in 1532 and died there in
Seibert was born in Diedelkopf, Germany, in 1560, married Else Yung on
May 1, 1586, and died December 15, 1593.
Seibert was born May 1, 1586, in Diedelkopf, Germany, married Maria
Mayer on December 21, 1613, and died April 19, 1666 in Eitzweiler,
Germany. He and Maria had five children: Abraham, Elizabeth, Sara, John, and
Hans Nickel--all born in Germany.
Nickel Seibert was born in Bremen, Germany in 1640. He married
Barbara Spengler July 1, 1669, and the couple had seven children, all
born in Saar Valley, Germany: J Jacob, Nickel, Christopher Stoffel,
Hans Bernard, Hans, Michael, Anna Barbara, and Johann Wendel. Hans died in
Germany on March 8, 1694 and Barbara on February 10, 1698.
Christopher Stoffel Seibert was born February 5, 1681, in Saar Valley,
Germany. Sometime prior to 1710, he married Johanna ?, and the couple
had seven children--Anna Elizabeth, Adam, Catharine, J Wendel, John Jacob,
Barbara, and Michael--all born in Germany between 1710 and 1723. On July 28,
1732, Christopher died in Sotern, Germany. Around 1736, his widow Johanna
married Heinrich Henry Lorentz and the two of them, along with the seven
Seibert children, immigrated from Wolfersweiller, Germany, to Pennsylvania
in America in 1738. From PA, the family moved to Augusta County, VA, where
Heinrich died May 16, 1757. Johanna (and son John Jacob) were killed by
Indians at the Fort Seibert Masacre in Augusta County, Virginia, on April
28, 1758. For more on the massacre, see link:
Fort Seybert
(Johannes) Jacob Seibert was born in Saar Valley, Germany, in 1717. In
1732, when John was 15, his father, Christopher Seibert, died. About four
years later, his mother remarried (Heinrich Lorentz), and in 1738 the entire
family migrated to America.
They arrived in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on September 9, 1738, on the ship Glasgow from
Wolfersweiler, Saar Valley, Germany. Five months later,on February 26, 1739,
in Berkes County, Pennsylvania, John Jacob and Maria Elizabeth Theiss,
an immigrant (October 25, 1738) from Baumholder, Birkenfeld, Germany, were
married by the Rev John Casper Stoever. The couple received and settled onto
a 100-acre tract in Bethel Township, Pennsylvania. Their first son, John
Casper, was born there. Over the next several years they had at least
three more children born in Tulpehocken, Berks County, PA: Nicholas,
Christian, Godfrey. (John Jacob and his wife are recorded as Sponsors at the
infant baptism in Tulpehocken of John Jacob Haeffner born August 7, 1744.)
In 1749, Jacob and Elizabeth sold their Pennsylvania land and and moved to
Augusta County, Virginia. There, the couple had at least four more children:
Jacob, Frencis, William, Catharine. The family obviously prospered in
Virginia, and in 1755, they were deeded a 210 acre tract from Robert Green.
The newly acquired land adjoined the property of Nicholas Heavner, husband
of John Jacob's sister Elizabeth. After a series of Indian raids in the
county, Jacob was commissioned Captain of the area's militia and was placed
in charge of a fort which bore his name. On April 28, 1758, the fort was
raided by Indians and both Jacob and his wife Maria Elizabeth, along with at
least fifteen other settlers (including Jacob's mother Johanna), were
killed. Several people, including the six Seibert children present, were
taken captive; Nicholas escaped in 1861 and the other Seibert children were
released in 1864. For more information see link:
Fort Seybert
John Casper
Seiber was born around 1739 in Berks County, Pennsylvania. In 1749, when
John was around 10, the Seibert family moved to Augusta County, Virginia. It
was there in 1758, when John Casper was around 19, that his mother, father,
and grandmother were killed in the Fort Seybert Massacre. Fortunately, John
Casper was not at the fort when the massacre occurred. It is not clear
whether he was among those who had left the day before, or if he was already
living back in Pennsylvania at the time. But it is known that on March 11,
1760, he married Margaret Michael in Berks County, Pennsylvania. He
and Margaret had at least four children: Clark, Christian, Philip,
and Charles Frederick*, (probably all born in PA). John Casper died in Berks
County in 1804. *Son Charles Frederick died in 1779 in the Revolutionary
War. |
Paternal Line con't.
Philip Seiber 1760
to Fred Estes
Seiber 1919-

In the name of God, Amen. I, Phillip Seiber of the state of
Tennessee and County of Anderson, Being in perfect health of body,
of a perfect mind, and memory, thanks be to God Almighty to mind
the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all
men once to die, do make and _____ my last will and testament.
First of all, I give my soul into the hands of Almighty God that
gave it to me. My body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in
decent Christian burial, and as touching worldly estate wherewith
it has pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, divide, and
dispose of the same in the following manner. Wife first, I want
all my just debts paid. Second, I give and bequeath to my beloved
son, Frederick Seiber, this sum of one dollar, and thirdly, the
balance of my sons and daughters I give and bequeath to each of
them one dollar, and fourthly, I give and bequeath to my beloved
wife, wife Mary Seiber, all my personal and real estate during her
widowhood or lifetime, and lastly, at her death my beloved son
Joseph Seiber is to have all of my land and terrain and the
balance of my property then to be divided equally among my
children, Frederick Seiber's heirs. Excepted, I further
constitute, make, and ordain Joseph Seiber Executor of this my
last will and testament and do hereby utterly dismiss all and
every other former testaments, wills bequeaths, and bequeathed.
Ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and
testament in witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this the
11th day of September 1833 signed and sealed in the presence of us
Peter (mark) Johnson David Key.
Phillip Seiber *Probated
Back to Philip Seiber
To Whom It May Concern:
State of Tennessee County of Knox 410 Ailor Ave BF Seiber I make
this my Will an Testament
First I give my soul to God Who Gave it. Second my Funral expences
is to Be Paid from the Proceeds of the house an lot I now own at
410 Ailor St
Second I give my Trunk and contents with all my papers to my Two
Sons Charles an Ed Seiber.
Third I give my Household goods to my 4 girles Nora Lizie Mary an
Kaity. I Dont want any extriy expence as I have Lived a plane Life
all ways.
I Leave the Rest with all hoping to meet you all again in a better
World. Be of good cheer.
Pend with my one hand. Signed (BF. Seiber)
Sept 20th 1934
*Benjamin died April 11, 1938. |
Philip Seiber Sr was born between
1760 and 1770, in Berks County, Pennsylvania. Around 1785, he married
Catharina Maria ? and began a family. Their first three children,
Wilhelm (Sep 20,1786), Elisabetha (Jul 20, 1789), and Samuel Wesley
(Apr 5, 1790) were born in Berks County, PA. The next four children,
Frederick (May 26, 1792), Philip Jr (Oct 6, 1794), John (Oct 12, 1798),
and Catherine Margaret (Oct 12, 1798) were born in Baltimore County, MD.
It would appear that Catharina Maria must have died soon after the birth
of the twins in 1798, because records show that around the turn of the
century, Philip moved with his family to Tennessee and married Mary
Lively in Jefferson County on January 29, 1802. By 1803, the family had
settled in Anderson County, Tennessee, on Poplar Creek, now called Frost
Bottom. The last three children, Nimrod (1803), Robert (Mar 26, 1804),
and Joseph (1809) were born there. Anderson County records show that
Philip served on road-developing committees in 1831 and 1832. In 1833,
Philip prepared his will as shown in the
APPENDIX, and it was probated when he died in 1847. His wife,
Mary, appears on the 1850 Census at the age of 81, living with her
45-year-old son Joseph and the Lively family.
Wesley Seiber was born in Berks County, PA*, on April 5, 1790, but
by 1792 his family had moved to Baltimore County, Maryland. As a small
boy, he sat on his father Philip's shoulders to see President George
Washington exiting a carriage. At the time, Philip told little Samuel to
remember the event and to one day tell his children that he had seen the
first President of the country. When Samuel was around 10, his family
moved from Baltimore, Maryland, to Anderson County, Tennessee.
*(Samuel's son Benjamin mistakenly thought that his father had been
born in Maryland.)
Samuel grew up in Frost Bottom on the mountain fork of Poplar Creek, and
around 1809 he married Isabel Frost. Her family had moved to Poplar
Creek from Lee County, Virginia, in 1796 and built a house there. The
area became known as Frost Bottom. Sam and Isabella's first child,
Nancy, was born in September of 1810, and their second, Philip, in 1812.
Nonetheless, in September of 1814, when Andy Jackson called for
volunteers to join him in the nation's battle with the British, Samuel
and his brother Phillip Jr responded. Philip Jr was 25 years old and
still at home with his parents. Samuel was 24, married, and the father
of a 4-year-old daughter and a 2-year-old son. Nonetheless, the two
Seiber brothers left their families and walked nearly 200 miles, from
Frost Bottom (Andersonville, Tennessee) to Nashville, to sign up. They
joined the Third Tennessee Militia and then walked with the rest of
their troop down through Mississippi territory to New Orleans, a
distance of some 550 miles. The men arrived sometime in December, and
were soon fighting for their country. They first encountered the enemy
on December 28th when the British launched a minor attack. A similar
minor event occurred on January 1st. But on January 8th, Samuel and
Philip and the rest of Andy Jackson's men found themselves engaged a
major conflict--The Battle of New Orleans. Ten thousand seasoned British
troops attacked 5500 American sharp-shooting recruits and volunteers who
had stacked cotton bales and earthen walls as a bulwark. The battle
lasted only an hour and a half. When the firing ceased, the defeated
British had lost 2000 men and the victorious Americans, just 71. Despite
their victory however, the Americans remained encamped until March 13,
1815, when Andy Jackson received official word from Washington that the
war had ended. Samuel and Philip, along with the other volunteers from
Tennessee and Kentucky, then started the treacherous walk through snow
and extreme cold back to their homes. Ironically, after having survived
the fierce battles, many of the citizen soldiers died on their way
home--Philip Jr was one of them. He was buried somewhere along the way
between New Orleans and Frost Bottom. Samuel returned safely to his wife
and son and daughter.
After the war, Sam and Isabella had more children, including a set of
twin boys, Elijah and John, born in 1816 and then Thomas in 1821. By
1824, with several school-aged children, Sam (and two neighbors, Andrew
Braden and Henry Etter) borrowed $28 from the state of Tennessee to
start a school (according to Aunt Katie, the first school in Anderson
County). In 1828, the couple had a second set of twins, Mariah and Sam
Jr, bringing the total number of children to seven. By the time their
eighth child (Columbus) was born in mid-August of 1832, their eldest
daughter Nancy had married a neighbor, John McKamey (1830). On October
2, 1832, Isabella was struck by lightning and was killed as she stood at
the chimney's fireplace stirring a pot of stew. (*Because Benjamin
Seiber did not list Columbus in his Family Bible Record, the assumption
was that the child had died as an infant from lack of sustenance. Census
records, however, from 1840 and 1850 indicate otherwise. In 1840, a
child Columbus is listed as age 7 along with all of Samuel and
Elizabeth's other children. He is listed again at age 17 in 1850, and
then he disappears from known records.) Two years after Isabel's
death, Samuel, at the age of 44, married Elizabeth Wilkins Chiles, a
29-year-old widow with three children from her first marriage.
Sam and Elizabeth began their marriage in 1834 with eleven children (ten
at home), and over the next fifteen years added to and subtracted from
that number as children were born or married or died. By 1849, the total number
had increased to seventeen--his eight, her three, their six. As the
number increased, however, it also diminished--first by two marriages
within two years (1840, 1842) and then by two deaths (1842) just months
apart (causes unknown). Then in 1843, Thomas Seiber and step-sister
Polly Chiles surprised the family by choosing to marry each other.
Brother John, who had become a justice of the peace (later to be a
Baptist minister), performed the ceremony. By the time that Sam and
Elizabeth's last child, Benjamin, was born in 1849, Sam was ten
days shy of his 59th birthday and Elizabeth was 44. At the time of the 1860
Census, Sam and Elizabeth's six children were still single and living at
home with them. Sam was then 70, Elizabeth 55, Frederick 23, Elizabeth
22, Massey 21, Eliza 17, Malinda 13, Benjamin 11. Samuel died in 1871 at
the age of 81, and Elilzabeth in 1876 at the age of 71.
Carter Foote has written an interesting historical-fiction based on the
life of Samuel Seiber. It is available at the following link:
The Saga of Samuel Seiber
Benjamin Franklin Seiber,
born March 26, 1849, in Anderson County, Tennessee, was the 14th and
last child of Samuel Wesley Seiber. On September 12, 1880, he married
Mary Ann Lones in Knox County, Tennessee.
Mary Ann was
the 5th child, but the 1st daughter, of Charlie and Rebecca Lones, and
although she was only eleven years old in 1863 when her mother died, she
shouldered the household responsibilities of an adult. She took charge
of managing the house and overseeing the care of her four younger
siblings whose ages ranged from 4 to 10. For the next 18 years, Mary Ann
filled the shoes of mother and homemaker for her family. Finally, when
her youngest sister was 19, Mary Ann married Benjamin Franklin Seiber
and started a household of her own. At the time of her marriage, her dad
deeded to her and Benjamin a parcel of land {as he also did for her
siblings Jeffrey, James, and Samuel when they married. Youngest daughter
Sally (Dowell) ultimately inherited the "mansion," all other buildings,
and the bulk of the real estate. Although the will specified that all
personal property was to be equally distributed, that, too, remained
with Sallie in the mansion and other buildings.}
Between 1881
and 1896, Benjamin and Mary Ann had six children: Charles Frederick
(1881), Nora (1883), Samuel Edward (1885), Lizzie (1888), Mary Pauline
(1890), and Katie (1896). The 1900 Census reveals that all the children
still living at home, except Katie (age 4) can read and write, and
all the children except Charles (age 18) attended school that year. Charles
and his brother Edward are listed as farm laborers, and the family farm is
owned free and clear. In 1910, Benjamin was working for wages as a house
carpenter, and children Lizzie, Mary, and Katie were still living at
Mary Ann died
in 1915, but by 1920, Ben's daughter Nora, her husband, son, and two
daughters had moved in to live with him. Also, his two maiden sisters
Elizabeth (80) and Malinda (70) were a part of his household. The
sisters lived with him until their deaths. Benjamin died April 11, 1938,
at the age of 89. (See Benjamin's will in APPENDIX at left.)
Charles Frederick Seiber,
the first child of Benjamin & Mary Ann Seiber, was born on July 11, 1881
in Knox County, Tennessee. He married Lydia Adeille Estes on June 12,
1906. Charles and Lydia had seven children: Bonnie Evalena (1907),
Thelma Crystell (1908), Helen Elizabeth (1911), Mary Avis (1913),
Charles Phillip (1915), Lydia Inez (1917), and Fred Estes (1919).
Charles died in Knox County, Tennessee, on July 27, 1940, and Lydia died
January 31, 1968.
*Please go to the following link to read a more complete history of
Charles, Lydia, and their family:
Charles & Lydia
Fred Estes
Seiber, the youngest of the seven children of Charles and Lydia
Seiber, was born April 28, 1919, in Byington (Knox County), Tennessee.
By the time he was 10, the family had built a large house on Middlebrook
Pike (now Piney Grove Church Road) and moved into it. From there, Fred
attended Cedar Grove School for a couple of years and then transferred
to Amherst to complete grammar school. After a year at Karns High
School, Fred went to work, accepting whatever local jobs were available.
On July 13, 1939, Fred and Ethel Leora Johnson were married at the Knox
County courthouse. Fred brought his young bride to live with the Seiber
family in the "Big House" until he had time and opportunity to build a
small house nearby. Their first daughter, Eleanor Inez (1940), was born
while they were still living with his family, but by the time Delores
Ramona (1943) was born three years later, the family was in their own
home. Their third child, Fred Anthony (Tony) was born in 1949. To
accommodate the growing family, Fred built a three-bedroom house next
door to the smaller house he had built earlier. The family remained
there on Piney Grove Church Road until 1963 when they purchased some
acreage in Anderson County. Eleanor and Delores were already married at
the time, so Fred, Orie, and Tony moved to the new location in
Andersonville--where Fred and Leora remained. It was there in
Andersonville that Leora died in 1996. Fred, at age 90, still lives
there independently (2010).
* More to come about Fred and Leora in a separate link.