Paternal Line
(to Seiber)
*Names from this time period appear with various spellings. Many German
names of the period, even among siblings, began with the same prefix, Johan.
Spelling Variations: Lohnes, Lones, Lonas, Lowness, Etc.
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In the name of
God Amen I George Lonas of the County of Shenandoah in the state of
Virginia being very weak and Infirm in my body but of sound and
disposing Mind and memory thanks be to God for the same and calling to
mind the mortality of Mankind I do therefore make & Publish this my last
will and Testament in the following manner and form first I recommend my
soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it and my body I recommend
to the earth to be buried in decent Christian like burial and such
Worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me with in this
life I give demise and bequeath in the following manner and form. First
I give and bequeath unto my son Henry Lonas his heirs and assigns all
that plantation and tract of Land whereon I now live in Shenandoah
County, containing three hundred and twenty acres and also one horse and
a mare with the geers and a plow and plow Irons and a Cutting box and
Cutting knife which I do all give unto my said son Henry Lonas and his
heirs - but the said Plantation and Land shall nevertheless be subject
that my beloved wife Rosina shall have her maintenance of the Incomes
thereof such as victuals cloathing and house room and all other
necessities during her natural life - and my said son Henry shall also
pay unto my son Adam Lonas the sum of ten pounds in cash or the value
thereof in goods and also three pounds my said son Henry shall pay unto
my daughter Margaret the wife of George Bower of the City of
Philadelphia - Also I give unto my said son Henry Lonas one Iron stove.
Item I give unto my said beloved wife Rosina all the remainder of my
personal Estate during her natural life without Appraisement and if
anything remains of my personal estate after the decease of my said
beloved wife Rosina then the same shall be appraised and equally divided
amongst all my children, and I do also make and Ordain constitute and
Appoint my said son Henry Lonas sole Executor of this my last Will and
Testament to take care and perform the same according to my true Intent
and Meaning and I do hereby revoke make null and void all and every
other will or wills which in anywise might appear in my name Ratifying
Allowing and Confirming this and no ther to be my last Will and
Testament - In Witness whereof I the said George Lonas have here unto
set my hand and seal as and for my last will and Testament fhis fourth
day of June In the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and
Eighty nine ..... 1789.
George (his x Mark) Lonas
Signed sealed published & pronounced by the said George Lonas as and for
his last Will and Testament in the presence of us Dated 4 June, 1789
Proven 12 Mar, 1793
Jacob Rinker George (his x Mark) Delinger (Brother-in-law)
At a Court held for the County of Shenandoah on Tuesday the 12th day of
March 1793
This Last will and Testament of George Lonas deceased was exhibited to
the Court by Henry Loonas the Executor therein named and was proved by
the oaths of Jacob Rinker George Dellinger and Ulrich Nease Witnesses
thereto and Ordered to be recorded and on motion of the said Executor a
probat thereof in due form is granted him he having sworn to the same
and given bond and security according to law. Teste: F. Williams CSCC
Will Book "D"
Pages 199 and 200
Ulrick Nease
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I, Jacob Lones, Sr., of the County of Knox and state of Tennessee being
of sound mind and memory, and taking into view the uncertainty of life
and certainty of death, do make and ordain this my last will and
Testament,---- and making void all former wills by me made, testifying
and confirming this to be my last Will and Testament,
In the first place Recommending my soul into the hands of Almighty God
who gave it and my body to be decently buried in a Christian like manner
by my Executors herein after named. And as touching the things of this
world which it has pleased God to bless me with, after paying my just
debts and funeral expenses, I wish deposed of in the following manner to
In the first place I give and bequeath to the Heirs of George Lones
(Deceased) the sum of thirty dollars for their use and benefit forever -
Secondly I give to the heirs of my son Henry Lones (Deceased) the sum of
fifty dollars for their use and benefit forever-
Thirdly, I give and bequeath to my Daughter BETSY CARTER the sum of
fifty dollars for her own special use and benefit forever-
Fourthly, I give and bequeath to my Daughter NANCY KELLY my black-man
named Jack, to her and her heirs forever-
Fiftly, I give and bequeath to my Daughter (POLLY NELSON) my Blackwoman
named Milly for her and her heirs forever-
Sixtly, I give and bequeath to my Daughter CHARLOTTE NELSON my negro man
named Jim for her and her heirs forever-
Seventhly, I give and Bequeath to my son, Isaac Lonas seventy-five acres
of land bounded by John Kidd, Jeptha Crowder, and James Dinne to lands
known as the place where John Keith formally lived, I also give and
bequeath to my said son Isaac Lonas my negro woman named Nicey, and said
land and negro for him and his heirs forever-
Eightly, I give and bequeath to my son Charles Lones all the Balance of
my lands that I am possessed of for his own special use and benefit for
him and his heirs forever, I also give and Bequeath to my said son
Charles Lones my negro man named, Alexander, and my negro man named
Andy, and my negro woman named Jane and her two children named Robin and
Martha, and my negro woman named Mary and her child named James Talbart,
and my three negros George, Polly, and Billy for his special use and
benefit, them and their increase to him and his heirs forever. I also
give and bequeath to my said son Charles Lones all my stck of horses,
cattle, sheep and hogs, all my farming utensils of every description and
all my household and kitchen furniture of every description, -----as
what money may be on hand and out standing debts my said son Charles
Lones is to pay the amount of money, I have Bequeathed out of the
Property Bequeathed him, as well as just debts and funeral expense, I
have bequeathed more of my estate to my son Charles Lones then I have to
the rest of my children, my reason for so doing is that he the said
Charles has for the last fifteen years taken care and attended to my
interest, and that I expect him to support me and take care of me in my
old age, and lastly having full confidence in his friendship and
integerty of son Charles Lones and my nephew Henry Lones, Junr., do
hereby nominate and appoint them as Excutors of this my last will and
Testament, requesting them to use all fair and proper means in their
power to carry this my last will and into complete effect in witness
where of I the said Jacob Lones, Senr. have here unto set my hand and
affixed by seal this 10th day of February 1849.
Signed, sealed and acknowledged Jacob Lones (seal)
by the said Jacob Lones as his last
will and Trstament in presence
of Jno. B. -1-mar, 1849
John Looney
Samual Lones
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Lohnes was born in Odenwald, Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany, in 1540. Around
1562, he married Veronica (last name unknown), and their son Leonard
was born in 1565.
Lohnes was born in Pfirschbach, Hoechest, Germany in 1565. He married
Margaret around 1587, and their son Hans was born in 1590. Leonard
died in Pfirschbach in 1610, and Margaret died in 1622.
Lohnes was born in Pfirschbach, Hoechest, Germany in 1590. On August 7,
1614, he married Eva Trinkhaus. Their son Johann Hans was born in
1619 in Hoechest.
Hans Lohnes was born February 17, 1619, in Goechest, Germany. He married
Catharina Reeg on September 7, 1640, and the couple had six children born
between 1846 and 1881: Johanus Hanss, Elizabethn, Leonhard, Anna,
Hicrongmus, and Peter. Johann died in Hessen, Germany, August 6, 1678; and
Catharina died in Hessen December 20, 1667.
Hanss Lohnes was born October 18, 1646, in Hoechest, Germany. On
February 10, 1669, he married Anna Catharina Meissner. Nine children were
born to the couple between the years of 1671 and 1691: Anna Barbara, Johanns,
Magretta, Hicrong, Barbara, Martin, Johann Leonardt, Johann Nicholaus,
and Eva. Anna died on June 10, 1691, less than a month after the birth of
her last child Eva. Johanus lived until December 28, 1721. Both died in
Hoechest, Germany.
Leonardt Lohnes was born February 25, 1679, in Hoechst Odenwald,
Starkenburg, Hessen, Germany. He married Anna Catharina Barth on February 8,
1711. Between 1714 and 1726, the couple had six children: Johann Georg
Adameus, Anna Catharina, Johannes Peter, Anna Elizabetha, Johann
Nicklaus, and Margaretta, all born in Hessen. (At least one son, Johannes
Peter, migrated to Nova Scotia, where he died in 1794.) Johann Leonardt
died in Hoechest on January 27, 1733, and Anna Catharina on April 5, 1761.
Georg Adameus Lohnes was born August 24, 1714, in Starkenburg, Hessen,
Germany. Sometime prior to 1737, he and Catharina Elisabeth Kahler were
married. They had seven children between the years of 1737 and 1750: Johann
Peter, Johann Georg, Johann G, Johann Leonhard, George Adam, Anna
Elizabeth, and Charlotta, all born in Hessen, Germany. Johann Georg Adameus
was a Captain in the 8th German Regiment and fought against the British in
the American Revolution. It is not known if he then returned to Germany or
if he stayed in America. His son George Adam immigrated to Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, with Johann Georg's brother, Johannes Nicholas (b 1724).
Nicholas brought some nephews to Philadelphis in 1753 on the ship Two
Brothers. It is not known for sure how many nephews came to America with
Nicholas, and it is not known where or when Johann Georg Adameus died.
*Germany to America*
George Adam Lones
was born October 21, 1740, in Starkenburg, Hessen, Germany, but in 1753, at
the age of 13, he immigrated to America with an uncle, Johan Nicklaus Lohnes,
on the ship Two Brothers and initially settled west of Philadelphia
in Pennsylvania. At the age of 24, he is listed on the April 6,1764,
Pennsylvania Naturalizations List* as John George Lowness, Cusshahoppen
Township, Bucks County. In the month following his Naturalization, on May
29th, George married Eva Fasin. A son, George Henry, was born to the couple
in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, on September 4, 1765, but the young mother
Eva died just three days later (possibly from childbirth complications).
Sometime within the next year, George married Rosina Dellinger, and deed
records indicate that over the next while the couple bought & sold land in
Lower Milford Township in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. It was here that their
son Jacob was born in 1767. (Jacob Lones was the
great-great grandfather of Fred Seiber.)
George Adam and Rosina then migrated from Bucks County, Pennsylvania, to
Frederick County, Virginia, where two more children were born to them,
Margaret in 1769 and Adam in 1771. Soon after the birth of Adam, the family
of six moved to Shenandoah County, Virginia--where they again bought and
sold land and multiplied their holdings over the next several years. Another
son, George, was born in 1773. Although George Adam obviously had prospered
materially, by 1789 he was feeling weak and infirm to the point of preparing a will. By the time of his death in 1793
(at the age of 53), George owned a 350 acre plantation in Shenandoah worth
around $2500, which he left to his eldest son Henry. As shown in the will
below, Rosina's needs were to be provided for by her step-son, Henry. Adam
was to be given 10 pounds and daughter Margaret 3 pounds. Two sons, Jacob and
George, are not mentioned by name in the will*. George Adam died in
Shenandoah County, Virginia, on March 12, 1793. Rosina died in 1814.
*A possible explanation for George Adam's failure to include Jacob and
George (Jr) in his will may be found in the following facts. Sometime prior
to and including the year of 1790, Jacob and one of his brothers were away
on an exploratory trip to scout lands south of the Ohio River. They were
seemingly pleased with what they found, for they made land purchases. The
original indenture for the Knox County, Tennessee, property which later
became known as the Dowell farm (Dowell Springs) was recorded in 1790 by
Jacob Lones. Other deeds followed: one from the state of North Carolina, and
another from the state of Franklin (now Tennessee). Sometime after these
land purchases, the Lohnes brothers returned to Virginia. Their father,
George Adam, died in March of 1793; and by September 25, 1793, the date of
the Cavet Station Massacre (near present-day Farragut), the Lones brothers
were already living in what is now Knox County, Tennessee, just two miles
from Cavet Station. (PERHAPS Jacob and George Jr had been away for so long
when George Adam wrote his will that he believed they would never return. He
may have been dead or incapacitated by the time they actually did return for
a visit.)
Three of the sons--Henry, Adam, and George each married a Helsley sister,
thus three brothers married three sisters.
Lones was born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, in 1767, to George Adam
Lones and Rosina Dellinger Lones. (Although Jacob was the first child born
to them, George Adam already had a two-year-old son, Henry, whose mother,
Eva Fasin, had
died just three days after giving birth.) Jacob grew up in Shenandoah,
Virginia, and it was there on April 12, 1786, that he married Mary Stickley.
Jacob was 19 and Mary, 14 at the time of their wedding. Between 1787 and
1790, the couple had three children born in Shenandoah County, Virginia:
George, Henry, and Betsy. Sometime prior to 1790, Jacob and one of his
brothers made an exploratory trip to scout lands south of the Ohio River. A
deed was recorded in 1790 by Jacob for the Knox County, Tennessee property
which later became known as the Dowell Farm (Dowell Springs). Other deeds
followed--from North Carolina and from Franklin (now Tennessee). By the time
of the Cavet Station Massacre** (September 25, 1793), the Lones brothers were
established in Knox County, living just two miles from Cavet Station. It was
there between 1796 and 1814, that Jacob and Mary had seven more children:
Jesse, Mary Ann, Nancy, Isaac, Daniel, Charles David, and Charlotte.
Mary died January 21, 1825, in Knox County, Tennessee, at the age of 53.
Jacob lived to the age of 90, and died in 1857, the year the family first
occupied "the brick house." See link:
Station Massacre
As Related by Mary Dowell (great-granddaughter of Jacob Lones)
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had crossed Clinch River from the Indian Territory, now known as Anderson
County, with the design to attack and burn Knoxville. They halted upon the
question of whether to massacre the entire settlement there or only the men.
One of the chiefs, Hanging Maw, who was a leader in the councils of his
people opposed the move. It is also related that Van, another chief, carried
a little white captive boy behind him on his horse. A third chief picked a
quarrel with Van, and in retaliation for his treatment, killed the child.
This dispute caused a delay which made it too late for the band to reach
Knoxville before daybreak. To avoid complete failure of their expedition,
they attacked the Cavett home, massacring 13 members of the home and burning
the cabin. The only one to escape was a child named Nancy, who crept out and
hid in the weeds. I (Mary Dowell) was told by Nancy's daughter that the
savages disemboweled their victims and strung the intestines on the garden
fence. It is said that Jacob Lones saw the flames redden the sky. The next
morning, calling together his men, brothers, and slaves, Jacob followed the
Indians as far as Clinch River, near the present-day Solway Bridge. Arriving
at the brink of the river, they could see the hoof prints of the Indians'
horses with water still in them.
Charles David Lones - See link:
Charles and Rebecca
Benjamin Franklin Seiber - See link Benjamin and
Mary (Lones) Seiber