...choose you this day whom ye will serve...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

Families    (Click link below to view family photos.)

Fred & Leora (Johnson) Seiber
   Fred & Leora 1939-1947
   Fred & Leora 1948-1954
   Fred & Leora 1955-1960
   Fred & Leora 1961-1993  

Bob & Eleanor (Seiber) Bailey
  Mike & Kim (Bailey) Smith
     Zane & Morgan Smith
  Bob & Sheila (Warrix) Bailey 
      Bobby & Ruth (Sanney) Bailey 
      Steve & Celese (Dunn) Bailey 
      Andrew & Joanna (Rightmyer) Bailey 
  Gregg & Elanda (Bailey) Mason  
      Jacob & Tiffany (Mason) Kelly
      Chris & Emily (Mason) Schuler
      Matt & Katie (Mason) Jellicorse
John & Delores (Seiber) Baxter 
  John & Mary Lou (Haughton) Baxter 
    Jeb & Avril (Rameriz) Baxter 

Tony & Patti (Null) Seiber
 Fred & Susan (Cureton) Seiber

   Sinjin & Caroline (Smith) Seiber
   Matt & Savvy (Seiber) Parker
   Rubin & Sidney (Seiber) Han 
 Tim & Becky (Smith) Seiber
   Austin & Alena (Petty) Seiber  
 David & Kaye (Cantrell) Seiber
   Davey & Shanda(Waffle) Seiber
 Joe & Rachelle (Page) Seiber  
 Randy & Julie (Jarrett) Seiber

Seiber Family 1900-1980  
Charlie & Dovie Johnson
Other Family & Friends

Jeanette McCarter Hughes

Family History:
Philip & Catharina & Mary Seiber
Samuel & Isabella & Elizabeth Seiber
Benjamin & Mary Ann Seiber
Charles & Lydia Seiber 
Ancestor Reports: Fred & Leora Seiber
Seiber Paternal Line
Fort Seybert

Charles & Rebecca Lones
Lones to Seiber Line
James & Harriet Cox   

Poems by Leora Seiber
Poems from Mamaw Seiber
Poems &Things by Delores Baxter
Poems by Thelma Eleam
Quotable Quotes
The Saga of Samuel Seiber  

Sermon Titanic  by Tony Seiber

Link to Published Sermons by Tony Seiber
Sermons by Vernon (Freddy) Thwaites


This page updated:
Thursday March 06, 2025

 Welcome to Family Ties... 

This website is a pictograph of  the Fred and Leora Seiber families and extended families. Although we have, in recent years, become somewhat spread out and separated by geographical distances, we have remained devoted, constant, and close in thought and in heart, faithfully upholding one another in prayer and seeking God’s best for one another. The Lord has blessed most of us to be a family of individuals who fear, trust, and love Him; and I praise Him for it!   

Happy Birthday, Gregg!

Gregg & Elanda Bailey

Happy Birthday, Austin!

Alena, Levi, Austin Seiber

Happy Birthday, Tiffany!

Violet, Tiffany Kelly

March Birthdays - Ariel (6), Gregg (9), Austin (15), Tiffany (22)

No March Anniversaries

Psalm 33:12
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD: and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.


From Quotable Quotes

We have staked the whole of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God.    James Madison

It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ.    Patrick Henry


Please Pray for...

One Another - Pray for the Lord's hedge of direction, protection, and blessing for every one us and for our faithfulness to Him.
Our Nation of People to get back to the God of the Bible, to agree with Him about what constitutes sin, and to take a stand against evil and for right.
Our People and Our Allies
in war zones.

Sermon by Tony Seiber
This is the transcript of a sermon which Tony delivered at Southside Baptist Church a few years ago. It is an excellent message, well worth the reading.

Link to Published Sermons by Tony Seiber

Poems by Leora Seiber
Faith and family are the prevalent themes in this  collection of poems written by Mamaw (Leora) Seiber (found and compiled after her death).

Poems by Thelma Eleam
Thelma wrote many poems over the years and finally, in 1985, she compiled several of them into this little book entitled O God.

Poems from Mamaw Seiber
These are three little poems which were quoted so often by Mamaw (Lydia) Seiber  that her daughter Inez, at 90, can still recite them.  The poems are well worth sharing with our kids today because the lessons they teach are as relevant  now as they were when Mamaw Seiber quoted them to her children a century ago.


Poems & Things by Delores Baxter
A collection of poems and articles written by Delores Baxter.

The Saga of Samuel Seiber
Evelyn Carter Foote, first-cousin of Fred Seiber,  wrote this informative, interesting, and exciting historical fiction based on the life of Samuel Seiber, her great-grandfather (and Fred's).

Sermons by Vernon (Freddy) Thwaites
The Dehumanization of Man, The Transfiguration, The Beatitudes, Feed My Sheep, Revival, The Body of Christ, The Center
of the Church, The Easter Story, The Second Coming


Please send comments, suggestions, or corrections to omajs@hotmail.com .