Virginia in 1770 – Augusta
County # 5
South Branch of South Fork, Potomac River

a story which appeared in the Pendleton Times Newspaper.
Virginia was a dangerous place to live at this period, as numerous raids had
been made on the frontiers by the Shawnee Indians under the
well-known and ferocious chief, Killbuck. The Indians’ cruelty was
encouraged by the French, who promised rewards for scalps, as well as
promises of restoring them their land.
In January
1756, Col. George Washington recommended to Gov. Dinwiddie that a series of
forts be constructed along the mountains, two of them high up on the South
Branch. Construction began in August. In March of 1757, Jacob Seybert was
commissioned a Captain to head up the militia on the South Branch. On 27
April 1758, the fort at Upper Tract was attacked and 23 people killed. The
next day, Fort Seybert was attacked and nearly every adult at the fort was
scalped, while the young who were spared were taken captive. Among those
killed were Jacob and Elizabeth Seybert and Jacob's mother Hannah Lawrence.
The six Seybert children were taken captive. The eldest son, Nicholas, was
sold to the French and taken to Canada, where he escaped in 1761. The others
were released in 1764.
A History of Pendleton County, West Virginia by Oren F. Morton, Franklin,
West Virginia, February 23, 1910
A most
severe blow now befell the west settlements of Pendleton. The defense of
Fort Upper Tract was intrusted to Captain James Dunlap who had commanded a
detachment in the Big Sandy Expedition. A band of French and Indians
appeared in the Valley and on April 27, 1758, they captured and burned the
fort, killing twenty-two persons, including Dunlap himself. No
circumstantial account of the disaster seems to have been written and we
have no assurance that any of the defenders were spared. If the massacre was
complete, it would go far to explain the silence of local tradition. So
exceedingly little, in fact, has been handed down in this way that some
Pendleton people have thrown doubt on the existence of the fort, to say
nothing of the burning and killing. There is documentary proof, however, on
all these points.
tragedy of Fort Seybert took place on the following day, April 28, 1758. In
this case our knowledge is more complete. There were survivors to return
from captivity and relate the event. The account they gave us has been kept
very much alive by their descendants in the vicinity. Yet these divergences
are not very material, although in the course of a century and a half, some
variations have crept into the narrative. Through a careful study and
comparison of the various sources of information, it is possible to present
a fairly complete account of the whole incident. The attacking party was
composed of about 40 Shawnees, led by Killbuck. There is a vague statement
that a Frenchman was among them. This force was doubtless in contact with
the one that wrought the havoc at Upper Tract. But since the recollections
of Fort Seybert are nearly silent as to anything that happened at Upper
Tract, it is probable that Killbuck took an independent course in returning
to the Indian Country. The only mention of Upper Tract in the Fort Seybert
narrative is that "an express" was sent there for aid, but turning back
after coming within sight of the telltale column of smoke from the burning
The number
of persons "Forting" in the Dyer Settlement was, perhaps, forty. Very few of
these were men, several having gone across the Shenandoah Mountain the day
previous. Some of the women of the settlement appear, also, to have been
away. There was a fog shrouding the bottoms of the South Fork on this
fateful morning and the immediate presence of the enemy unsuspected.
Eastward from the site of the stockade the ground falls rapidly to the level
of the river bottom. At the foot of the slope is a damp swale through which
was then flowing a stream crossed by a log bridge. A few yards beyond was
the spring which supplied water for the fort. A willow cutting was
afterwards set near the spring which grew into a tree, four and a half feet
in diameter and dried up the fountain. A woman going there for water was
unaware, at the time, that an Indian, supposed to be Killbuck himself, was
lurking under the bridge. The "brave" did not attempt a capture probably
because the bridge was in sight of the Fort and also within easy shooting
The wife
of Peter Hawes, daughter of Roger Dyer, went out with a bound-boy named
Wallace to milk some cows. While following the path toward the present post
office, they were surprised and captured by two Indians. Mrs. Hawes is said
to have had a pair of sheep shears in her hand and to have attempted to stab
one of the savages with the ugly weapon. It may have been the same one who
had attempted to tease her and whom Mrs. Hawes, collecting all of her
strength, pushed over the bank. Reappearing after this unceremonious tumble,
the maddened Redskin was about to dispatch her but was prevented by his
laughing companion, who called him a "squaw man." Bravery, wherever shown,
has always been admired by the American Native. William Dyer, Roger's son,
had gone out to hunt and was waylaid near the Fort. His flintlock refused to
prime and he fell dead, pierced by several balls from the Indian guns. The
presence of the enemy now being known, Nicholas Seybert, a son of the
Captain and about 15 years of age, took his station in the upper room of the
Fort and mortally wounded an Indian who had raised his head from behind the
cover of a rock in the direction of the spring.
This seems
to be the only loss that the enemy sustained. It is said that a horseman was
riding toward the Fort but, hearing the firing and knowing that something
was wrong, he hastened to spread the alarm among the more distant settlers.
called upon the defenders to give up, threatening no mercy if they did not
but good treatment if they did. Captain Seybert took the extraordinary
course of listening to this deceitful parley. Whether the fewness of adult
men or a shortage in supplies and ammunition had anything to do with his
resolve is not known. A thoroughly vigorous defense may not have been
possible but there was nothing to lose in putting up a bold front. Voluntary
surrender to a savage foe is almost unheard of in American Border Warfare.
There was the more reason for resisting to the very last extremity, since
Killbuck was known to have an unenviable name for treachery in warfare. It
is certain that the commander was remonstrated with but, with what looks
like a display of German obstinacy, he yielded to the demand of the enemy
which included the turning over of what money the defenders possessed.
before the gate was opened an incident occurred which might have saved the
day. Young Seybert had taken aim at Killbuck and was about to fire when the
muzzle of his gun was knocked down, the ball only raising the dust at
Killbuck's feet. Accounts differ as to whether the aim was frustrated by the
boy's father or by a man named Robertson. Finding the surrender determined
upon, the boy was so enraged that he attempted to use violence upon his
parent. He did not, himself, surrender but was taken prisoner by being
overpowered by the savages.
As the
Indians rushed through the gate, Killbuck dealt the Captain a blow with the
pipe end of this tomahawk, knocking out several teeth. After the inmates
were secured and led outside, the fort was set on fire. A woman named Hannah
Hinkle, perhaps bedfast at the time, perished in the flames. Taking
advantage of the confusion of the moment, the man Robertson managed to
secrete himself and, as the savages withdrew, he hurried toward the river,
followed a shelving bluff so that his footsteps might the less easily be
traced, and made his way across the Shenandoah Mountain. He was the only
person to effect his escape.
captives appear to have been halted on a hillside about a quarter of a mile
to the west. Here, after some deliberation on the part of the victors, they
were gradually separated into two rows and seated on logs. One row was for
captivity and the other for slaughter. On a signal the doomed persons were
swiftly tomahawked and their scalped and bleeding bodies left where they
fell. Mrs. Hawes fainted when she saw her father sink under the blows of his
executioner and to this circumstance she may have been indebted for her
exemption. James Dyer, a tall, athletic boy of fourteen years broke away
and, being a good runner, attempted to reach a tangled thicket on the river
bank a half mile eastward and the same distance above the present post
office. He almost succeeded in reaching and crossing the river but was
finally headed off and retaken.
It was now
probably past noon and the Indians, with their convoy of eleven captives and
their own wounded comrade, borne on an improvised litter, began the climbing
of South Fork Mountain. A woman whose given name was Hannah had a squalling
baby. An Indian seized the infant and stuck its neck in the fork of a
dogwood. The mother found some consolation in the belief that her child was
killed by the blow and not left to a lingering death. Greenwalt Gap, nine
miles distant was reached by nightfall by taking an almost air line course
regardless of the nature of the ground. Here the disabled Indian died, after
suffering intensely from a wound in the head. He was buried in a cavern 500
feet up the mountain side. Until about sixty years ago portions of the
skeleton were still to be seen. The next halt was near the mouth of the
Seneca and without pursuit or mishap, the raiding party returned to its
village near Chillicothe, Ohio.
The people
slain in the massacre were seventeen, some accounts putting the number at
twenty-one or even more. Among them were Captain Seybert, Roger Dyer and the
bound boy Wallace, whose yellow scalp was afterwards recognized by Mrs.
Hawes. It is the brunette captive that Indians have preferred to spare.
Including William Dyer, the four names are the only ones remembered. It is
worthy of note that apart from Seybert and the two Dyers, none of the heads
of families in the region around appear to be missing. Possible exceptions
are John Smith, William Havener and William Stephenson. The infant son of
William Dyer was with his mother's people east of Shenandoah Mountain.
Of the
captives the only remembered names are those of Nicholas Seybert, James
Dyer, the wives of Peter Hawes and Jacob Peterson and a Havener girl {NOTE:
John Jacob Seybert had a sister Elizabeth who married a Nicholas Havener}.
The girl either escaped or was returned and counseled settlers to be more
careful in the future in exposing themselves to the risk of capture. A brave
took pity on Mrs. Peterson and gave her a pair of moccasins to enable her to
travel with greater comfort. It is not remembered whether any of the
captives returned, except the two boys mentioned, Seybert and Dyer and the
Havener girl.
As the
party was about to cross the Ohio, young Seybert remarked upon a flock of
wild turkeys flying high in the distance. "You have sharp eyes," observed
Killbuck. "Was it not you that killed our warrior?" "Yes, and I would have
shot you, too, if my gun had not been knocked down." "You little devil,"
commented the chief, "if you had killed me my warriors would have given up
and come away. Brave boy! You'll make a good warrior. But don't tell my
people what you did." Several years after his return the young man sold his
father's farm to John Blizzard and he made a new home on Straight Creek.
Some of his descendants still live in the vicinity.
James Dyer
was among the Indians for about two years. He sometimes accompanied a
trading party on a visit to Fort Pitt, now Pittsburgh. On his last trip he
resolved to attempt to escape. He eluded the Indians and slipped into a
cabin of a trader and the woman within hid the boy behind a large closet and
chest, piling over him a mass of furs. In trying to find him the Indians
came into the hut and threw off the skins, one by one until he could see the
light through the opening among them but fortunately, for his purposes, the
Indians thought it not worth while to make the search complete. After
remaining a while at the old home in Philadelphia, the young man returned to
Fort Seybert and for more than forty years was one of the most prominent
citizens of the county.
James Dyer
is said to have been instrumental in effecting the rescue of his sister
Sarah Hawes by her brother-in-law, Matthew Patton. Her captivity lasted
three and a half years. A complete account of this tragedy may be found in a
pamphlet by Mary Lee Keister Talbot entitled ""The Dyer Settlement and the
Fort Seybert Massacre."
following version of the rescue of Mrs. Hawes is given in an article by Mrs.
Alonzo D. Lough, in "The Moorefield Examiner" of Moorefield, West Virginia.
Matthew Patton took his cattle to market at Pittsburgh, the dealer to whom
he sold them told him an Indian tribe there had a "red headed woman" among
them. Mr. Patton suspected that this was his wife's sister and had the
dealer to arrange for her to come into his store, where he concealed her
behind his counter, and covered her with furs. The Indians began to search
for her and entered the store, and as in searching for her brother, threw
off part of the covering hides. Thoroughness not being characteristic of
Indian habits, they ceased in both searches, before uncovering the
fugitives. That night Mr. Patton accompanied by Mrs. Hawes, left Pittsburgh
secretly and traveled until daylight when he hid her in the top of a fallen
tree. Night came on and Mr. Patton rejoined her and they traveled again.
After that he provided her with other clothes instead of her Indian apparel
and they traveled by day until their return. Mrs. Hawes had been with the
Indians seven years and had traveled to the Great Lakes and over much of the
prairie of the middle west.
The sale
of personal property of James Dyer in 1807, netted $1975. Inventory included
8 horses, 65 cattle, 62 hogs and 23 sheep. There were 15 books, a Bible
going for $9 and a copy of Johnson's Dictionary at $3.33. The furnishings of
the house amounted to $189, including a clock selling for $60 and a desk at
$25. We here have a man who read books, was considered rich and owned the
best furnished dwelling in the county. Roger's estate, in 1810, brought
The Dyer Settlement, The Fort Seybert Massacre by Mary Lee Keister Talbot,
A.B., Hollins College, M.A., University of Wisconsin.
morning of the 28th of April (1758) dawned upon Fort Seybert with a fog
hanging over the valley of the South Fork, as if presaging the calamity that
hung over the heads of the settlers. By an unfortunate conjunction of
events, a part of the men were absent from the settlement, having crossed
the Shenandoah mountain the day before. Probably because of their absence,
the remaining men and the women and children were gathered within the fort.
They knew that danger was imminent but unaware of the immediate presence of
an enemy, while stealing stealthily upon them, concealed by the fog, and
protected by the forest, was a party of forty Shawnee warriors. They were
not the band that had wrought the destruction at Upper Tract the day before,
nor did they join them on their return. These had come from beyond the Ohio
River, had crossed the Alleghenies and now descended upon the South Fork
Valley as their field for desolation. At their head was the treacherous and
revengeful Killbuck.
It is
probable that, according to the usual Indian plan in attacking a settlement,
they had separated into several groups for the purpose of surprising and
capturing the scattered settlers providing they were not all in the fort.
One of these parties captured Mrs. Henry Hawes (Sarah Dyer Hawes, daughter
of Roger and Hannah Dyer, widow of Henry Hawes at this time) at her home on
what is now the Laban Davis place near Brandywine, opposite the mouth of
Hawes' Run. She was taken on down the river toward the fort and as her
captors conducted ther along the high bank of the river above the present
residence of A. D. Lough, she suddenly pushed the one (Indian) next (to) the
river over the bank. He returned in a rage, threatening to kill her, but his
companions restrained him and laughed at him, calling him a squaw man
....... "The first violent act of the savages near the fort was the killing
of William Dyer (son of Roger and Hannah Dyer and Mrs Hawes' brother).
Mr Dyer
was out hunting when waylaid by the savages. He attempted to fire upon them
but his flint lock missed fire and they shot him dead. It transpired
afterward that an Indian, probably Killbuck, had been secreted under the
bridge leading across a ravine to the spring when one of the women had
crossed in the morning for water. He permitted her to cross and return
unmolested. "There is a tradition that a solitary horseman was riding toward
the fort in the early morning, and, hearing the sound of firing and
suspecting there was an Indian attack, hastened away to give the alarm to
distant settlers. Also that a messenger was secretly dispatched to Fort
Upper Tract for aid, but when he came in view of the fort the smouldering
ruins met his astonished gaze. There is also a doubtful tradition that a
Frenchman was among the attacking party at Fort Seybert.
Now that
the presence of the foe was known, the settlers fastened the gate and put
themselves on the defensive. An Indian peering up over the ledge of rocks
under the brow of the hill eastward was espied by Nicholas, fifteen-year-old
son of Capt. Seybert, from his position at a loophole, and fired upon. His
head instantly disappeared and young Seybert soon saw feathers floating upon
the stream below, from which he judged his bullet had hit its mark and cut
loose the savage's head-gear. "Killbuck now changed from attack to strategy
and called out to Capt. Seybert in English that if they would surrender they
would all be spared, but if not they would all be killed. Seybert entered
into a parley with Killbuck, as a result of which he agreed to surrender
without further resistance and turn over to the Indians the money and
valuables in the fort. Killbuck agreed that the inmates of the fort should
not be harmed. Some of the settlers favored this conditional surrender while
others opposed it. Nicholas Seybert was bitter in his opposition and
attempted by violence to prevent his father from making the surrender.
Before the gate was thrown open he took aim at Killbuck and would have shot
him dead but that his gun was knocked aside by his father. The bullet struck
at Killbuck's feet.
greeted Seybert by striking him in the mouth with the pipe end of his
tomahawk, knocking loose his front teeth. This deed and the action of the
savages showed the settlers too late what they might expect, and confusion
followed. Young Seybert refused to surrender and was overpowered. A man
named Robertson managed to secrete himself and was the only one to escape.
"The inmates were made prisoners, the money and valuables secured and the
block house set on fire. A woman named Hannah Hinkle who was probably
bedfast perished in the flames. The man Robertson escaped from the stockade,
made his way unnoticed down the eastern bluff, followed the shelving rocks
to the river, crossed over and fled across Shenandoah Mountain.
Indians took their prisoners up the slope toward the South Fork mountain
about a quarter of a mile. Here they divided them into two groups, placing
in one group those whom they selected as desirable for captives. Nothing of
mercy or humanity entered into their choice, only expediency from the Indian
point of view. The object of the Indian in preserving captives was to adopt
them and thereby strengthen his tribe. He wanted brave young men who would
make valiant warriors. He wanted no old people, no weaklings, no cowards. He
preferred brunettes to blondes because they resembled his swarthy complexion
more nearly. The fact that most of the captives preserved in Indian raids
endured the hardships and privations to which they were subjected shows that
the selections for physical fitness were well made.
At some
point of time while the prisoners were being separated, James Dyer, a fleet
footed youth of fourteen, broke from among them and attempted escape by
flight. So swift was he that his eager pursuers did not overtake him until
he had reached the river about three quarters of a mile distant. Here in a
cane brake, opposite the present dwelling of J. W. Conrad, he was overtaken.
Because of his swiftness he was preserved.
account by Andrea Dalen Larrivee, Descendant of early settler, Roger Dyer
Roger Dyer
was a middle-aged man when he moved with his wife, Hannah, and five children
from Lancaster County, PA to the Moorefield area. He and his son, William,
purchased 1,160 acres on the South Fork of the South Branch of the Potomac
River in 1747. The family moved onto the land in 1748 and were some of the
first permanent settlers in the area. His three daughters, Hannah, Hester
and Sarah, subsequently married men who owned or bought adjacent property.
By the year 1758, four of Roger Dyer's children were married, and he had
seven grandchildren. They were prosperous by the standards of the day, but
life would have been quite difficult as their land was on the westernmost
edge of the settled colonies. Native American tribes wandered freely in the
area, hunting and trading. The settlers had to make a long, arduous journey
over the Shenandoah to get to their markets and seat of government. The
settlers' relations with the Indians who used this area were fairly cordial
until about 1754. The French and Indian War had begun in 1753, and the
Shawnee, one of the primary tribes in the area, were influenced by their
Ohio kinsmen to be loyal to the French cause. This was understandable. The
French used the areas they controlled in a way that didn't threaten the
Indian way of life. They hunted and trapped, traded with the natives and
often took Indian wives. The English, however, were true settlers. They
bought the land, cleared and fenced it, built homes and settlements, and
drove the game and the Indians farther west. Because of Indian raids in
areas to the northwest, George Washington ordered that two forts be built on
the upper South Branch. Fort Upper Tract and Fort Seybert were built in
1757. Fort Seybert (named for Jacob Seybert, who had moved to the area in
1753 and had been commissioned in 1757 as the first captain of militia in
that section) was close to the Dyer family settlement.
On April
27, 1758, many of the men and probably some of the women and children from
the area left for a journey over the Shenandoah Mountain. The people who
remained were staying at the fort, probably due to their vulnerability. They
were no doubt aware of troubles in other areas with Indians who were
sometimes accompanied by French. The morning of April 28 was foggy. Sarah
Dyer Hawes, who had been widowed for about three years, and a boy named
Wallace, who may have been an indentured servant, were outside the fort on
their way to milk or to shear some sheep. Two Shawnee braves accosted them.
Sarah attempted to stab one of the men with her sheep shears. During the
scuffle Sarah pushed the brave over an embankment. The remaining Indian
found the situation very funny, and in the midst of the laughter, Sarah and
Wallace returned to the fort. William Dyer went out on that same morning to
hunt. Not far from the fort, he was shot by the Shawnee and became the first
casualty of that day. Nicholas Seybert, son of Jacob, heard the shots and
fired at the Indians, hitting one brave who was the only Indian casualty.
Killbuck, the Shawnee chief who was leading this group, spoke English and
decided to negotiate with the settlers. He proposed to the settlers that
they surrender. He guaranteed that there would be no blood shed and that, as
his captives, the settlers would be well treated. Otherwise, everyone would
be killed. Jacob Seybert, speaking for the settlers, agreed to Killbuck's
proposal despite some dissension, notably by his son, Nicholas. Nicholas
tried to shoot Killbuck, but his father disrupted his aim and the ball
landed at Killbuck's feet. If the shot had met its mark, the events of the
day may have been very different. Contrary to his word, Killbuck and his
warriors moved the settlers to an area uphill from the fort where they were
separated into two groups: those who would live as captives and those who
would die. Among those who were to die were Sarah Dyer Hawes, James Dyer and
Roger Dyer. Sarah saw her father hit in the mouth by a tomahawk, knocking
out some of his teeth, and she fainted. This may have saved her life. For
whatever reason, she was spared. James Dyer, who was 14 years old, managed
to escape and tried to outrun his captors. Although he was recaptured, the
Indians were impressed by his athletic prowess and spared his life as well.
The doomed prisoners were made to sit on a log. An Indian stood behind each
person, and on a command from Killbuck, the prisoners were murdered and
scalped. Sarah and James along with nine other captives were forced to
accompany the Shawnee, leaving 17 dead behind. They walked over the South
Fork Mountain on that day. Along the way an infant who was crying was killed
and left hanging in the forked branched of a dogwood tree. Their first night
was spent at Greenawalt Gap near present day Kline. The second night was
spent at Seneca. From there they journeyed to a Shawnee village near what is
now Chilecothe, OH. James remained in captivity for two years. During that
time he was often pitted against new captives in foot races called "running
the gauntlet." Two racers would run between lines of Indians who hit them
with sticks and whooped loudly in an effort to make the racers run more
swiftly. The loser of the race was often killed. For the most part, however,
the Shawnee treated their captives relatively well. The purpose of keeping
captives was not to have slave labor but to acquire new tribe members, so
the captives were encouraged to integrate into Indian life. James became a
trusted tribe member and was allowed to hunt and go on trading trips. On one
such trip to Fort Duquesne (present day Pittsburgh, PA), he managed to
allude his captors and slip into a cabin. A woman inside hid him under a
pile of furs. The Shawnee searched for him, removing some of the furs as
they looked through the cabin, but James wasn't discovered. He made his way
to Lancaster County, PA, where he spent some time with family friends.
Eventually he returned to the Fort Seybert area. Sarah was a captive for a
longer time, probably about five years. James rescued her some years after
he had made his escape. He returned to Ohio and found the camp where Sarah
was. Hiding near a spring, he made contact with Sarah when she came to get
water. They made arrangements to escape that night. Sarah gathered her few
belongings, among them a spoon made of buffalo horn, which is still owned by
her descendants. She and James rode away on horses James had brought, and
they returned to the South Branch. Sarah had a daughter, Hannah, who was
only two or three years old when her mother was captured. When Sarah
returned, Hannah was terrified of her because of her Indian dress and
mannerisms and her tanned skin. James and Sarah continued to live in what is
now Pendleton County. Sarah married Robert Davis, had seven more children
and lived on a farm near Brandywine, which is still owned by their
descendants. James married three times and had a total of 16 children. The
above story was written by Andrea Dalen Larrivee, g,g,g,g,great
granddaughter of Roger Dyer.
Other Facts:
Mary Elizabeth Theiss
and Jacob Seibert (Seybert) were married on Febuary 26, 1739, in
Tulpehocken, Pennsylvania, by the Rev. John Casper Stoever. They received a
tract of land in Bethel Township that year and stayed there until 1749 when
they sold their100 acres and went to the South Branch of the Potomac in
Augusta Co., VA. Jacob appears on the Augusta Co. delinquent tax list that
year. On May 21, 1755, Jacob Seybert was deeded a 210 acre tract of land
from Robert Green. It adjoined the land of Nicholas Heavener, who was
married to Jacob's sister Elizabeth.
From Annals of Bath County, Virginia:
James Samuel Curry
married Mollie J. Harman on October 6, 1880. Mollie was the daughter of
George and Susan (Smit)h Harman, both born in Pendleton County, West
Virginia. Her great-great-grandfather was the Captain Robert Davis who led
the whites in pursuit of the Indians after the massacre of Fort Sibert. Mary
Dyer, then twelve years of age, was among those made captive, and she
remained with the Indians three years. On her return she became the wife of
Captain Davis, and she was the great-great-grandmother of Mrs. James Samuel