Biography of Charlie Lones (1812-1888)
Written by his grandaughter, Mary
Dowell (1896-1993)*
*Items in brackets added for clarity or information
Lones was the ninth of ten children born to Jacob Lones and Mary
Stickley Lones. Both Jacob and Mary had been born in Bucks County,
Pennsylvania, but each had moved with their families at an early age to
Shenandoah, Virginia. The two married in 1786, and over the next four
years, their first three children were born in Shenandoah. In the late
1780s, Jacob and one of his brothers made an exploratory trip to East
Tennessee, and in 1790, Jacob purchased a large parcel of land in Knox
County. By 1793, he had settled there with his wife and three children.
With the passing of time, seven more children were added to the family,
including Charles, who was born in 1812.]
the struggle was going on between Great Britain and its former colonies,
especially affecting the commerce, in 1812 a baby was born in what was
then the backwoods country [of East Tennessee] who was to become the
father of a large family. When Charlie, son of Jacob and Mary Lones, was
a child Indians in this area were a common sight. It was during these
days that “The Star Bpangled Banner” was born. ‘By the dawn’s early
light’ scenes were much different here than when the song suffered its
birth pains. Animals seldom seen now, except in zoos, were plentiful and
supplied much food and clothing—among them were deer, bear, wild cats,
foxes, and the smaller animals, such as rabbits, squirrels, ground hogs,
ermines, weasels. Among the wild birds were ducks, geese, wild turkey
and pigeons. The latter were here by the thousands, but have become
extinct. When I was a child there were still bird nests here. A popular
method of getting them in great numbers was to net them. The last deer
killed on the place was over on the hill beyond the spring. This was in
the memory of Charlie’s older children.
While Charlie was yet a
child he had a tragic accident that left a life-time mark on him. He,
with some other children, among them the little negro boy—Alex, were
playing around a bonfire when Charlie’s shirt, a garment more like a
dress, caught fire and before it could be extinguished his left leg was
badly burned. Since sulpha and our miracle drugs were then unknown, all
was done that the frontier doctor knew to do, yet the burn refused to
heal. He carried this ulcer until August 28, 1876—that was more than 50
years. His leg had to be amputated being done at home by two Knoxville
surgeons. He responded to the surgery and in a short time was around on
crutches. When I first remember, the floors of the house, especially the
front porch, were pitted from the metal cap on his crutches. The only
remaining mark now is the door plate of the back door to the hall. All
the other rooms have been refloored. We still have his crutches. Being a
slightly-built person he was quite active. One day his family found him
atop a shed nailing the shingles. He cared for his garden by working
from a chair and moving it along as he progressed. His bedroom was
downstairs so he probably seldom went upstairs as the original floors
are unmarked. Then, too, they are of hard oak.
Charlie Lones never
lost his poineer regard for hunting, only when he could no longer walk
with ease. Once or twice a year he would take off to the mountains;
since these trips had to be made on horseback they lasted two weeks or
more. His favorite spot was Cades Cove. He loved his mountain friends
and held them in high regard. They were often welcomed as guests to his
home when they came to Knoxville. The family had orders that they were
to be given the best of treatment. They would often stay several days
where they enjoyed the best bed and the best food the family had to
Though probably his
sleep was unsteady due to his leg, his aim must have been true from a
statement made by my mother [Sarah Lones Dowell, called Sally]
who had told me that at one time there was a big pile of antlers in the
backyard. Only one remains, and that is on the front porch near the
door. That has been used as a hatrack probably for well over a 100
years; of course, some of those antlers could have come from local deer.
Although Charlie’s
formal education was restricted, as we feature education, he must be
rated an educated man. He was an avid reader, especially on religious
subjects and history judging from his books. He dutifully put his name
in them and often named from whom he bought it and the price of it,
which often surprised one, comparatively speaking with prices today. A
chief source of acquisition at this time was from migrant peddlers. An
overall review of these books reflect the fundamental beliefs held by
him. They were worn from study and often marked, I judged from the times
read. For some reason, probably the distance from a church he failed to
follow his father, Jacob, in the Lutheran faith. He was an ordained
Baptist minister. I have been told that he was the first pastor of what
is now known as Gallaher View Baptist Church; if this be true, I do not
believe he ever pastored another church. His doors were always open to
itinerant preachers of all faiths as they went from church to church.
The monotony of the house was often broken by some young couple coming
to be married.
He was concerned about
the salvation of the negroes of the community and often held services
for them. Among his books is a Teacher’s Assistant to be used in
teaching Exodus (Irony of Fate). On the flyleaf is the following
notation: “Sunday, July 12/85 The Second Nigger Meeting.”
Not only was he
concerned about the black souls, but those of the whites as well. In a
letter to his sister, Elizabeth, who had married and gone to Texas, he
was solicitous of her spiritual welfare.
Among the books I feel
are indicitive of the character of the owner:
Dictionary of the
Bible 1868. “Charlie Lones Book, July 7, 1879. Price $4.00”
Traveller—Goodrich (1836)
Baptist Manual
1835) Baptist General Tract Society
Evils of Infant
Baptism (1852)
A Course of
Lectures on the Scripture Types—Frey 1841)
Home Life in the
Bible, Rev. Daniel Marsh DD (1877). Price $3.00
General History of
the Baptist Denomination in America—Benedict (1850)
On September 23, 1841, Charlie married Rebecca Johnson (b.1/16/1823,
d.8/26/1863), daughter of Jerimiah and Mary Kimberlen Johnson of what is
now known as the Riverdale Community. The Johnson homestead was just
across the river from the Johnson Bible College, which was established
by Ashley Johnson, son of Jeremiah Crockett Johnson, who was the son of
Jeremiah and Mary K. Johnson.
Charlie brought his
bride to his father’s home by way of horseback. The home was on the hill
above the spring. It was near a trail which led to Nashville. This house
was a double two story log house What was later to be known as “the old
house” was a big crib built out of the original log house. This is still
in use [1975]. The new brick house was first occupied in 1857 but
because of the war situation it was not finished until later.
The marriage was
performed by James H. Kelley. At that time she [Rebecca] was 19 years
old and he was 29 years old. Judging from the “infair” dress which is
still fairly well preserved, her trousseau would have been a credit to
anyone. It was a beautiful shade of purple taffeta, beautifully
patterned in a baske effect, all work being done by hand. Until a few
years ago it hung in the closet of the front living room where she most
probably hung it when they moved into the new house about 1857. For
better protection I have it packed in a box with moth balls.
To this union was born
9 children:
1. Jacob Kimberlin
2. Jeremia (Jerry)
3. Charles A.
4. Jeffrey G
5. Mary Ann [Married Benjamin Seiber]
6. Elizabeth [Never Married]
7. James
8. Samuel Richard
9. Sarah Rebecca [Married James Dowell]
The last two were born
in the new house. Their first child was given the name of his paternal
grandfather and Kimberlin after his grandmother, Mary Kimberlin.
the Lones family owned slaves as previously mentioned the two oldest
boys went into the Union Army as volunteers. Jacob was only 19; Jeremiah
was still younger. Jacob served over three years; Alex, the negro
mentioned before went along as a body guard. Jacob rose rapidly in the
ranks to captain. He was home several times on furlough. One time he
carried behind him on his horse a little chair for his baby sister. It
has served three generations and is waiting for the fourth to use it.
Jerry died after the
Battle of Murfreesboro of pneumonia on 5/22/1863. Rebecca was so shocked
at the news of his death she only survived him less than four months. Up
until this time, even though the Emancipation Proclamation on
January 1, 1863, had been issued many of the negroes, because of no
place to go, stayed on with their “Marster.” Old Aunt....... was called
in when Rebecca realized she was leaving her family and promised
faithfully that she would not desert the family of little children as
she had been their Mammy for years. Sad to say her promise was of little
value for soon after Rebecca’s death she moved on to other quarters
leaving the household in charge of Mary [age 12], the oldest daughter of
Rebecca. I was told by Mrs. Alice Reynold who was a friend of the family
that she was present at the passing of Rebecca and that she died with
tears streaming from her eyes, because she was leaving her little
children. The baby, Sallie, was only four. [Thus at age 12, Mary
Lones (Seiber) took on the responsibilities of housekeeper and homemaker
for the family and surrogate mother for her siblings. She did not marry
until age 29 when the youngest child Sallie was 21.]
Since feeling was so
strong in this area against the Union cause, Charlie at one time went to
Kentucky for some time. Again he was thrown in prison and kept for a
while. The lack of care while imprisoned caused infection in the ulcer
and continued to spread from then on. This was a tragic time for the
Lones family—mother gone; slaves gone; two oldest boys away, one dead;
house not yet finished; food scarce; friends divided over the question
of slavery; father away for safety sake.
One must realize that
clothing went from the sheep’s back through all the processes until it
was a garment to be worn. The same was true to obtain cotton and flax
material except that it was from the seed—even more work. Food, too, was
not from the store, nor the freezer, not even out of home cans. Candles
had to be made; soap made from lye from ashes; and grease was the common
detergent, laundry done over a tub and a washboard was the only method
of cleaning clothes. The cobblers annual visit when the family was shod
for the year was anticipated as each pair of shoes was made to order.
All sewing was done by hand. The cook stove was not yet a kitchen
necessity, as the big fireplace in the kitchen indicated. Water had to
be carried from the spring. Each room was heated by a wood-burning
fireplace. So life in those days went on with diverse activities,
requiring its own form of aptitude.
A photograph of Rebecca
has been found and positively identified. Judging from her dress she was
slender and of average height. She had brown hair and eyes and a rosy
complexion, as remembered by her children.
After some time [1871],
Charlie feeling the need of someone to help him, took a second wife,
Emily King. This proved an unhappy marriage for all concerned. She was
27 years his junior and only 20 years older than his youngest child
[near the same age as his oldest]. They had one child, Victor [b 1872],
better known as Dick. A divorce ensued and Charlie was awarded the child
who, I believe, was 7 years old at the time.
In Charlie’s older days
[1881-1888] he was cared for by Elizabeth and Sallie. He lies
buried beside Rebecca in the family plot near the house here on the
farm. The big boxwood growing at the head of his grave was started from
a sprig in some funeral flower.
The only book with
Rebecca Lones’ name in it is The Mother at Home or The Principles of
Maternal Duty. On the flyleaf is written: Rebecca Lones Book June
31, 1837. She had acquired the book four years before she married at 15,
so one deducts that training for motherhood began early in life. Her
Bible is also preserved.
The first home of Jacob
and Mary Lones when they moved from Shenandoah, Virginia, to their
acreage in Knox County, Tennessee, was a log house built on a hill above
the spring. It was near a trail which led to Nashville. As the family of
Jacob and Mary grew, the house also grew into a double two-story log
house to accommodate the family of twelve. In 1825, when Charles Lones
was 13, his mother Mary died. Through the years, his siblings married
and moved out until by the time Charles married at age 30, only he and
his father were living in the family home. This two-story log house was
the house Charles brought Rebecca Johnson to by horseback when they
married in 1841. Once the new brick house was built many years later,
the original log house came to be used as a crib and was referred to as
"the old house." It was still in use in 1975.
The family's slaves
were used as laborers in the construction of the brick house pictured
below. Even the bricks were made by the family slaves there on the
property. The Lones family was able to move into the house by 1857,
although it was not finished until much later because of the war
situation. Ironically, Jacob Lones died (at the age of 90) during the
first year that the new brick house was occupied.
At one time, the Lones
home was used as a recuperation home for injured Southern soldiers with
aides to care for them. One day a raiding party of Southern soldiers
made for the smokehouse. One of the recuperating soldiers crawled to the
window, leveled his gun, and told him they would be dead men if they
went any farther. He knew which side of his bread was buttered, as that
smoke house held the food supply for the household.

House - First Occupied in 1857, Finished Later Due to War - Bricks made
on property by slaves

Property - Later known as Dowell Farm - Currently Dowell Springs
(Commercial Center)
June Twen. 1888
In the name of God Amen.
I Charles Lones, of the County of Knox and State of Tennessee, being of
sound mind and disposing memory but weak of body do make this my last
will and Testament.
1st, I bequeath and give my soul to God who gave it.
2nd I request that my body after dead be buried in a decent and
Christian manner, and this duty to be attended to by my Executor
hereinafter named.
3rd I give and bequeath to my beloved son JK Lones the following
described tract of land situated in the 12th Civil District of Knox
County and bounded as follows, wiz: Beginning on a stake his former
corner in a lane over a large post oak. thence running S51 W84 poles to
a black oak, thence . thence with Beardens line N6 W23 poles to Rock,
thence N42 E92 poles to a stake in his line, thence the same S38 E36
poles to the beginning containing 16 acres more or less. This with what
I have heretofore deeded to him is to be his portion of my real estate.
I give and bequeath to my beloved son Charles A. Lones the following
described tract of land situated in the 12th Civil District of Knox
County and bounded as follows, wiz: Beginning on a stake corner of JK
Lones, then with his line S42 W92 poles to a Rock. thence with Beardens
line N60 W20 poles to a stake, thence S68 W16 poles to a stake at the
Creek. thence N38 W23 poles to a black gum North of the road, thence N48
E114 poles to a hickory J K. Lones's corner. thence with his line S37 E6
poles to a black oak, thence S38 E30 poles to the beginning containing
25 acres more or less. This includes a lot of one acre more or less
heretofore deeded to Charles A. Lones. This is to be his portion of my
real estate.
5th I give and bequeath to my beloved Daughter Elizabeth Lones and Sally
R Lones the following described Tract of land situated in the 12th Civil
District of Knox County and bounded as follows. wiz: Beginning on a Post
at Mary A. Luben (?) corner, thence with her line N55 E76 poles to a
stake; thence 104 poles to a Spanish oak, thence N40 W16 poles to a
black oak. thence S55 W64 poles to a stake . thence on Glenns (?) line
thence with his line N31 W50 poles to a dead Spanish oak. thence N45
E104 poles to a stake, thence S82 E28 poles to a black oak. thence N66 ½
E28 poles to a stake James D. Davis corner. thence with his line S45 E22
poles to a stake. thence Davis corner .continued 88 poles to a gum.
thence with Samuel Lones line S50 E80 poles to a stake C.A. Lones
corner. thence with his line S48 W80 poles to a black gum. thence S38
E23 poles to Beardens (?) line. thence with his line S68 W102 poles to a
dead pine thence N53 W50 poles to a black oak, thence S53 W2 poles to a
black oak thence N31 W16 poles to the beginning Containing 178 acres
more or less. This tract of land including the mansion and buildings
where I now live. The reasons why I give and bequeath to my Daughters
Elizabeth and Sally R. Lones so mucy greater portion of my Real Estate
are as follows:
1st they are to take care of me during my natural life and see that I do
not suffer for food and Raiment.
2nd the reason why I do not give or bequeath to Jeffrey G. Lones, James
L. Lones, Samuel Lones and Mary A Seiber, any of my real Estate I have
already deeded to them their portion.
I will and request that JK Lones, Jeffrey G. Lones, James D. Lones,
Samuel Lones, Mary A. Seiber, Elizabeth Lones and Salley R. Lones each
give Richard (alias/ Victor A. Lones, Ten dollars each when he arrives
at the age of 21 years, and that Charles A. Lones give him twenty five
dollars and a good suit of clothes it is also my will that Charles A
Lones take charge and care of my son Dick (alias) Victor A Lones until
he arrives at the age of twenty one years in case I should live until
It is my will that all my personal property that I may have or own at my
death may be sold and the proceeds divided equally or the property be
divided equally between all my children mentioned above and that they
may all be satisfied and live together peaceably.
I hereby name and appoint my two Eldest Sons JK Lones and Charles A
Lones my Executors of this my last will and Testament in testimony
whereof I hereby sign this my last will and Testament in my own hand
writing this the day of April 27 in the year of our Lord, 1888.
Charles Lones
Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us
Joseph Knott
Samuel L Knott
1830 Knox Co East TN P29
LONAS Jacob Jr
1840 Knox TN, R527, B1, P18
Jacob Lonas male20-30, male 60-70 (Jacob 73, Charlie 28)
***1841 Charlie Lones married Rebecca Johnson
***1842 Jacob K born; 1844 Jeremiah born; 1848 Charles A born; 1849
Jeffrey G born
1850 Knox TN, Subdivision 15
LONES Jacob 83 PA Farmer; Charles 32 Missionary Baptist Minister; Pegg
28; Jacob 8; Jeremiah 6; Jefrey 1; Charles 3
Neighbors: John Kidd, Wm Kennedy, Walter Kennedy, James Massey
***1851 Mary Ann born; 1853 Elizabeth born; 1855 James D born; 1857
Samuel Richard born; 1859 Sarah Rebecca Sally born
***1857, Oct 17, Jacob died.
1860 Dist 12, Knox TN. R1249, P243
LONES (Lever) Charles 45, Farmer, Land $20,000, PProp $15,000; Rebecca
38; Jacob 18; Jeramiah 16; Charles 13; Jeffrey 11; Mary 9; Elizabeth 7;
James 5; Samuel 3; Sarah 1 All born TN. All RW
***1863, May 22, Jeremiah died ; August 26, Rebecca died.
1871 (approx) Charlie married Emily King
1870 Dist 12 Knox TN, R1541, P230
LONAS (Lanas) Charles 54, Jacob 27, Charles 22, Jeffry 20, Mary 18,
Elizabaeth 16, James 14, Samuel 13, Sarah 11 (Also farm hand)
***1871, Jan 31, Jacob K married Pauline Sharp
***1872, Jan 6, Victor born to Emily King Lones
***1876, Feb 1, Jeffrey G married Mary Looney
***1876, Apr 28, Charlie's leg amputated
***Bet 1879-1880 Charlie and Emily divorced
1880 Dist. 12, Knox TN, R1266, P479a
LONES Charles 69 TN VA VA, Farmer, Divorced; Mary A 28; James R 26,
working on farm; Lizi 21, has asthma; Samuel 20, working on farm; Sally
18; Vick 9
***1880, Sep 12, Mary Ann married Benjamin Seiber
***1883, Jan 26, James R married Catherine Baker
***1885, May 31, Charles A married Serepha Caldwell
***Charlie died May 5, 1888
(1889, Mar 11, Samuel R married Cordelia Brabson; 1895, Feb 28, Sarah
married James Dowell)